Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thanks to goom for his first donation!
Not only does goom contribute his time and effort to RAF, but as of yesterday he has also added to our RAF Fund.
Since these blog posts are to highlight those who donate and to thank them for same; I would like to take this opportunity to thank goom for his continued contribution to our awesome Animorphs community!
Oh and, since he can't 'level up', and he already has access to the D-Lounge, he has been awarded an additional 10 karma points.
:) Thanks again Mr. Admin!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thanks to wildweathel for his 2nd donation!
Today, with his latest donation, wildweathel has outdone his previous donation, and all others before him. What I mean to convey is that he has now made the biggest donation in our 3 year history.
Thanks again!
If you would like to donate, click here.
If you want to see how our donations are used, click here.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
New Chapter: Megamorphs 1, Chapter 9
You can check out all chapters currently available for download here. You can also see Mr. Guy putting together Chapter 9 here.
Thanks again to everyone working on the Audiobook project!
RAF Awards 2011: Nominations Now Open!
The list of categories can be found here. Nominations will be open until December 19th, so be sure to get them in ASAP!
Note: We are not allowing members to nominate themselves this year. Please make sure to only nominate other people!
Friday, December 9, 2011
New Chapters: Megamorphs 1, Chapters 5-8
You can find the new chapters for download here, as well as all the previously released chapters!
Bonus!: Want to see a livestream of a chapter being cut together? Check out this post!
Thanks to everyone working on the Audiobook Project. Keep up the good work, you guys!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanks to DinosaurNothlit for her donation!
Thanks Dino!
On a related note, all donations received from November 1, 2011, onward to January 1, 2012 will go into a special place.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thanks to Myitt for her 5th Donation!
With her 5th donation, Myitt has officially donated more than than anyone in RAF's history (she has been tied with Adam for a year).
Though the additional 50 karma points is a great reward, the donation alone is sure to warm her heart; right Myitt?
Thanks again Myitt!
Need Exposure?
They'll be happy to relay the message and get a post up on the blog.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Let's Get Social!

One of RAF's many attractions is it's easy-going, fun and engaging atmosphere in which us Animorphs fans from the world over can discuss our favourite series to our heart's content - and everything else under the sun while we're at it. Here's hoping we can all work together to keep things interesting and fun, as well as extend our reach to all the other fans out there.
You'll usually see me hanging around the General and Social boards on RAF. Go right ahead and shoot me a private message if you'd like to share any ideas, comments or if you need any help finding your way around RAF.
Greetings From The Broken Boy
I'm Cody, I'm 20, and I live in Tennessee. I adore RAF and all the RAFians, and I'm here to hopefully get some people excited about some new goings-on around here, and maybe even manage to get us some new members from our various social networks. :)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or ideas, please feel free to shoot me a PM. :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
New Social Staffer

Thursday, November 3, 2011
RAF Chat Day is every Sunday
Beginning this Sunday (November 6, 2011) at 6 PM EST, we will begin the weekly RAF Chat Day.
What is this?
Well, that's easy: it's the time when we all make time to come together in the RAF Chat and have one big RAFian fest.
RAF Chat Day is similar to the RAF Meet & Greet, except that the RCD will be every Sunday at the same time, so there's no wondering when.
See the times in your area by clicking here!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Re-Read of Animorphs Underway at RAF
In honor of what is arguably the greatest book series in the world, and inarguably the best forum for said books in the world, Richard's Animorphs Forum is holding a(nother) weekly group Re-read of Animorphs.
Now is your chance to discuss the laughs, tears, and philosophical implications of the books that brought us all together, with the people who know them best. It's also your chance to give your say once and for all on each book; as we go through each title will be accompanied by a poll so you can rate every book, culminating in what will (probably) be the largest fan-based evaluation of the entire series, EVER. And we need you to make it happen!
Week 1: The Invasion is under way now, so come back to the story you've never left. Have fun. And don't forget to vote!
(Thanks RYTX)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Donations Make RAF Go 'Round.
Hey guys,
I would like to remind you all that it is the donations made by our members that keep our community on its feet. As I've pointed out in the past:
Here are a list of common expenses:
- Domains: 7 domains are currently paid for and being run under RAF.
- Servers: 2 shared servers are used by RAF. Server /host related costs fluctuate. We are charged for backups for instance.
- Software: RAF from time to time purchases software for users to use, or for development purposes.
- Advertising: a forum without members is not a forum after all. I use paid services to promote RAF. This is the biggest expense outside of regular expenses.
In case you're wondering if there are any perks for donors; you're in luck:
There are three tiers based on how much you donate (you know, reward those more who donate more)
1. If you donate less than $10:

2. If you donate more than $10, but less than $50:
"Silver Donor"

3. If you donate more than $50:
"Gold Donor"

So what are you waiting for? Visit RAF Donate or just click on the donate link below!:
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Looking for RAF Social Staff!
Want to join the RAF Social Staff? Send Richard a PM to get in your application.
November 2011 Update:
Thanks for expressing interest. The positions have been filled.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Thanks to Nate for his second donation!
With this recent donation he will now be welcomed back with open arms to the D-Lounge. Of course, the additional 10 karma points is a nice addition too.
Thanks Nate!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thanks to Fluttershy (AmberKatira) for her donation!
Friday, July 22, 2011
RAF has a new #1 Poster!
Considering that Steph has made in actuality over 56,000 posts (our Bored Board does not generally count toward the Posts number you see) there's no doubt in our minds that Steph is in fact one step ahead.
Additionally, Steph commands the most time spent online by any user, with over 181 days online.
Congratulations again Steph; amazing feat.
(congratulate her here)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
216 members removed for inactivity
Inactive members are those who never validated their email address, and therefore served no real purpose for being listed as a "member" on RAF.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
RAF Rules Updated!
They are now as follows:
1. Spamming is prohibited.
2. Posts that are disparaging toward any religion, race, nation, gender, or sexual orientation are strictly forbidden.
3. No harassment of any type or form towards any member of RAF will be tolerated.
4. Profiles may not be offensive, vulgar, profane, or abusive.
5. Pointless, excessive, or obscene cursing is prohibited on RAF.
6. Graphical sexual posts are prohibited. Threads of a sexual nature are also prohibited.
7. The use of multiple usernames is not permitted.
8. Excessive Web site promotion is not allowed on RAF.
Review penalties and further explanations here.
Monday, June 20, 2011
RAF Updates to 2.0 + Server Issues
I was informed that the Forum (software made by Simple Machines) was somehow at 3/4am in the morning using excessive amounts of the server's resources. I was determined to get to the bottom of this. A long story short, I'm not convinced that it is indeed RAF that's causing issues with the server; our community may be big, and may be relatively active, but we are not that big and that active to cause the amount of usage we're accused of. To make matters more suspicious, the spike in activity was at a time that the forum sees the least amount of activity.
I decided to play it safe and do something that I've been meaning to do for a week now; and that's update the SMF software to the latest and final build/version: SMF 2.0 . It was my intention to hopefully resolve the issues with load-balancing, along with bring fresh new features to our users along with our staff.
At 11am I began the 30 minute process to update the forum from SMF 1.x to 2.0. It was complete with minor problems.
SMF Logo |
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thanks to Bear for his 2nd donation!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thanks to Pokey for her 2nd donation!
Because of her contribution, Pokey's karma has been bumped up 20 points!
Thanks again Pokey!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Reminder: RAF is run on your donations!
When's the last time you saw a blog post thanking members for their donations? Hard to remember, right? Well, that's because the last time a donation was received was Pokey's over a month ago.
So in case you didn't know, or forgot, Richard's Animorphs Forum depends on donations by our users to be run. As I've pointed out in the past:
Here are a list of common expenses:
- Domains: 7 domains are currently paid for and being run under RAF.
- Servers: 2 shared servers are used by RAF. Server /host related costs fluctuate. We are charged for backups for instance.
- Software: RAF from time to time purchases software for users to use, or for development purposes.
- Advertising: a forum without members is not a forum after all. I use paid services to promote RAF. This is the biggest expense outside of regular expenses.
In case you're wondering if there are any perks for donors; you're in luck:
There are three tiers based on how much you donate (you know, reward those more who donate more)
1. If you donate less than $10:

2. If you donate more than $10, but less than $50:
"Silver Donor"

3. If you donate more than $50:
"Gold Donor"

So what are you waiting for? Visit RAF Donate or just click on the donate link below!:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Massive Data Loss Prompts RAF Restore
So here is what happened: in the evening of May 26, I begin going through the forum, making incremental changes; one of these changes was an option to prune the forum. I often prune the forum every month or so, or whenever I have the time. By pruning, I mean removing "moved topic notices". But one of the options was to remove "all posts" prior to 7 days that are deemed inactive. This latter option was the one I inadvertently selected versus deleting "moved topic notices" made prior to 7 days.
By doing this pruning, all posts were removed that were not posted in 7 days.
This left RAF with a total of 200,000+ posts and a 200+ topics.
Having noticed what had taken place, and knowing there was no "undo" to this action (deleting posts actually deletes them, forever) I immediately contacted our host (HostGator) in an attempt to get a server copy of the forum's database.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Emails going to spam?

Click here to let me know.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
RAF's 8th Birthday & 600,000 posts!
On another note... we passed 600,000 posts today May 24, 2011. Another amazing statistic for another amazing animorphs community that moved just 3 years ago to SMF.
Thank you to all our RAFians for making RAF the crazy, cool place it is; oh and The Ultimate Animorphs Forum.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Video of KA Applegate Answering Animorphs Questions
Friday, April 29, 2011
RAF Now Has 4,000 Members!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
K.A. Applegate Answers More Questions on Reddit
Earlier today, Animorphs author K.A. Applegate surprised popular social-news website Reddit readers by posting the above picture, and initiating a question and answer session; similar to the ones we were granted in the past (1, 2).
Visit the link here. Or discuss KA's initiave here.
Update: Here is a screenshot showing Applegate's thread on Reddit:
Friday, April 22, 2011
HUGE!: Official Animorphs eBooks!
So far only The Invasion (the first book in the Series) shows us as being available via eBook format on the Amazon Kindle Store and Barnes and Noble Nook Store.
The book will be available on May 1, 2011.
Thanks to Hirac Delest as always for up to date news.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
RAF Interview: Essam 293, Ani-Master of the Year

Essam generously allowed me to interview him regarding these critical questions. Enjoy!
How did you first learn about Animorphs? How old were you?
I was 12 in 1996, and the first book I read was Animorphs #1. It was near the end of the school year, and I think the first 2 books were already out at that point. There was a book fair at my elementary school, and there was a rep who sat our class down in the library to go through all the new books and series that were coming out for the summer.
Animorphs, of course, was the only series that really stood out to me after she was done. It was pitched to our classroom as "Some kids find a dying alien, who then gives them the power to change into any animal". I remember immediately getting up and looking for it after that presentation, and then following every single book release until the end of the series.
What made the books so compelling for you?
There were many things that the Animorphs series did just right, but it hooked me in the start as the ultimate underdog story. The characters were told right away that their only chance was to survive. Not win, but to survive long enough until the real help actually arrived. And then by the end of the first book, they were already one soldier down. So right away it was the most epic thing I had ever read as a kid.
Second, it had characters I could relate to-- Kids my age with regular chores, too much homework, and a love for movies and video games, who were then placed in a situation (no matter how fantastic) that I could very believably place myself in as a reader. What really sold me on it though was that the kids were never perfect, and that the series made a point in making sure we knew this. They didn’t have costumes, and the books never treated their mission to save the world as every other Saturday morning cartoon. These were kids who were fighting a war. They made mistakes, they got scared, and they felt the consequences and emotional scars of the violence they were thrown into. And while on the most part they did survive most missions, they very rarely ever actually won or left unscathed. So there was this very believable and grounded element to the sci-fi threats they faced that also hooked me to the series.
Up until that point I had only been reading Goosebumps, or other ‘scary’ kids spin-offs, but none of them had characters or stories that really connected with me any way. Animorphs, however, not only managed that, but also dealt with a great number of important issues involving slavery, genocide, and warfare as the series progressed. I never felt that the series talked down to me in any way, or that it shied away from a topic to what these kids really would really have had to face through. Behind the colorful covers and superhero-like elements, it was unlike any other ‘kid’ story I had ever read, opening my eyes to all kinds of situations and questions-- Questions that didn’t necessarily have a black and white or right and wrong answers, where not every side necessarily even had ‘good guys’ or ‘bad guys’-- just people who had really good reasons for what they were doing.
So I guess it’s not surprising that books like #19 and Hork-Bajir Chronicles are some of my favourites in the series. I probably learned more about animals and morality in Animorphs than I ever learned (in an interesting way) in any elementary school classroom I ever had. The series will always hold a special place on my bookshelf because of this, and I’m forever grateful to Katherine and Michael for writing a series that didn’t just entertain me as a kid, but made me think too.
Tell us about Hirac Delest. What is it, when did you start it, and what gave you the idea?
Hirac Delest is an Animorphs archive. The actual name of the site is a term that is taken from Andalite Chronicles, and it’s purposely chosen because its definition extends quite well to the site’s mission, which is to set out and collect the whole story, and every bit of information regarding the series.
I started it over 3 years ago when I decided to go back and look the series up again. I was surprised to find that very little was left active from back when the books were still coming out. There used to be hundreds of active fan sites and now there were almost none. The information was completely scattered, along with the fan base. The only place I really found with enough activity were places like RAF and LJ, and I was surprised to find that there were also a lot of new fans that had started reading after the series was over as well. So the idea came from there, where I wanted to create a place for older fans to reminisce about the series, while new fans stumbling onto the books could find answers as well.
It became a personal project of mine during college, and it started to snowball quite fast once I placed it online for other fans to see. I started getting an incredible amount of support from fans that were willing to go out of their way to add stuff to the archive. In fact, the archive wouldn’t be half of what it is right now because of these people, so I have an incredible amount of gratitude for every one of them. (There are too many to name here, but I try to credit everyone correctly for their help on the site.)
Hirac Delest is a source of Animorphs news for a lot of fans. How do you stay up on what's going on?
Michael and Katherine are very cool people, so they get in touch with me every so often when there is something they want to share with the fans. But in most cases, I just keep my eyes open. For the relaunch, I make routine checks on various places online, and look for little details that many people may not regularly keep an eye out for. It also helps that we have some pretty fantastic and loyal fans for the series.
As I said above, the archive project itself could not have been as comprehensive as it is now if it weren’t for these fans, so most new visitors to the site see the amount of effort right away, and are then willing to share more towards it because of this. I suppose this is the biggest reason why the site has gained enough of a stance in the community to be regarded that way as a news source as well.
Give us an Animorphs-related anecdote or fact about yourself.
Should I even bother pointing out that I secretly tried to acquire animals as a kid? I think that’s part of the prerequisite to being a true Animorphs fan, right? Or that my life is now filled with paranoia whenever I see animals acting weird (which they tend do. A LOT). There was even this one moment when my dad did the pinky scratch thing that the TV show got oh so incredibly wrong about identifying controllers, but at the same time, still made me and my brother look at each other with wide eyes. I don’t think I’ll ever look at animals or ear scratchers the same way ever again. (Thanks K.A!)
What are your thoughts on the re-release?
Excited. Definitely excited. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. What this new generation of readers will think of the series. What the new edits will be. What Scholastic will do next with the franchise.
But most importantly: I’m looking forward to getting the biggest nostalgia kick ever when I walk into a bookstore in May to pick up a new Animorphs book. I mean, seriously? A new Animorphs book? It’s probably the closest thing I’ll ever get to revisiting my childhood, sans time travel.
Are you in school? Out of school? Working? What is your dream for the future?
I’m done school and I have my degree. So I’m currently working, but I’m also looking for something related to my career now. I also freelance on various projects from time to time, so it keeps me busy, and I very rarely have moments when I’m not working on something.
Dreams? At the moment: to land a job in something that would equally fuel me in a geeky and creative way. I have skills with a variety of different interests, so I’m pretty open in what direction I want to take while I try to figure things out.
What are your hobbies?
Hirac Delest takes up a lot of my spare time (which isn’t a lot), but otherwise I’m usually either drawing or reading. I love video games too, but I hardly ever watch tv or movies as much as I used to because I like to do things that are interactive or creative in some way. Graphic/web stuff especially: I like to try new scripts, designs, and figure out new ideas and methods that I may not already know.
What is your favorite food?
How can possibly pick only one kind? I love food! Taste. Aste. Tuh-aste.
You've been given a free round-trip ticket to visit anywhere in the world for a week. Where will you go and why?
I have a list of countries that I would like to visit at least once in my life time. However I currently live in Canada, but I've never gone outside of Ontario. So I'd start here and visit some of the other provinces first, most definitely with Vancouver, BC. I’ve always wanted to go there.
What is your favorite non-Animorphs book/series?
Ugh, I really hate that question. I usually finish a book every 1-2 weeks, so I’ll most likely feel like I’ve unfairly skipped out on something worth mentioning. Off the top of my head though:
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, The Watchmen by Alan Moore, Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O’Malley, The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, The Millennium Series by Stieg Larsson, almost anything by Scott Westerfeld (The Midnighters and Uglies series are my faves so far), and very recently I’ve become addicted to The Ender’s Game series by Orson Scott Card.
If anyone wants to share favourite books or recommendations, then feel free to follow or add me on Goodreads.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Featured RAFproject: Animorphs Smilies
RAF is proud to display dozens of Animorphs-related smilies that can be included in posts. Best of all, they were made by our very own members!
The majority were created by DinosaurNothlit and goom, two phenomenal pixel and animation artists. Dino and goom have collaborated and worked independently to design, draw, and animate GIFs for many of Animorphs' main (and even not-so-main) characters, as well as its alien species, ships and technology. Get a sneak preview of their completed and in-progress artwork, not all of which has been incorporated into RAF's smiley bank yet, here. Dino and goom welcome input, ideas and suggestions, so head over to the thread to check out their hard work.
Other extremely talented contributers to this effort include Myitt, Dameg, Shark Akhrrana, Magdaleen, and Ferahgo. Also, goom has added quite a few smilies to RAFchat, so be sure to look for his handiwork there.
If you would like to get involved in this RAFproject, or if you'd like to learn more about pixel art, but don't know where to begin, check out Dino's RAFschool class!
Monday, April 4, 2011
DYK 104: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, April 3, 2011
New Chapter: Megamorphs 1, Chapter 4
Today I'm pleased to announce that there is a bit of progress to share with you: Megamorphs Chapter 4 is now available in mp3.
Here are the chapters that are now available:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Thanks to the hard workers of the Animorphs Audiobook Project.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Katherine Applegate book signing in Los Angeles
A big thank you to Michael Grant for providing us with this news.
Monday, March 28, 2011
DYK 103: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Repost: Need Specialized Persons in Web Development

This time, I am looking for persons to join the staff who are experienced with CSS & HTML. Feel free to contact me on the forum via PM, or email me at
Spread the word if you know anyone who is knowledgeable in SMF.
Monday, March 21, 2011
DYK 102: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Meet & Greet - Today @ 6:30PM EST
New member? Now is your chance to get to know your fellow RAFian.
I will be there, will you?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thanks to Pokey for her donation!
Pokey will now enjoy access to the exclusive D-Lounge, along with an additional 10 karma points added to her account. (see all member ranks here)
Thanks Lauren!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Discussions and Debate - New Board
To quote Teach's description:
The purpose of this board is to allow more serious debators a place to hash it out without their posts becoming lost amongst the more frivolous topics of the General Board. Please remember that forum rules apply. Be respectful and tactful when discussing delicate topics.
A few rules to keep in mind:
1) Profanity will not be tolerated.
2) Please try to be open-minded. There are many people from many walks of life here on this forum, and they all have something to offer.
3) Consider the appropriateness of topics. Remember, there are various age groups that frequent RAF.
If you have any questions, PM me or another staff member. Enjoy!
To visit the Debate Board, click here.
DYK 101: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, March 7, 2011
DYK 100: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, February 28, 2011
DYK 99: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thanks to Slushie Man for his 4th donation!
For this donation, Jeff will also see his karma increased by an additional 50 points.
His donation will go specifically into boosting RAF's public visibility over the next few days.
If you wish to donate to RAF, visit RAF Donate or click on that "donate" image you see everywhere.
Thanks Jeff!
Monday, February 21, 2011
DYK 98: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, February 14, 2011
DYK 97: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, February 7, 2011
DYK 96: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Please Contribute: One RAFian, One Volume of Animorphs
The brainchild of Dameg, One RAFian, One Volume of Animorphs won a RAFaward for the best project of 2010. It will feature all 64 Animorphs book covers (including some translations), each of which will be held by a RAFian.
Once all the books are accounted for, the photos will be merged into an animated gif that will be posted on RAF.
So far, the project has quite a number of participants, but we still need at least 20 more. If you have been thinking about joining but are worried about keeping your identity a secret, consider hiding your face with backlighting, Photoshop, a mask, or any other creative means.
Please remember, those of you who have claimed books but have not posted photos, let Dameg know you're still working on it so your selection isn't given up.
We are all grateful to the prolific K.A. Applegate, but the length of the series does mean we will need quite a lot of help to complete this project!
Monday, January 31, 2011
DYK 95: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Thanks to Marie for her 2nd donation!
![]() |
Marie donated again! |
For her contribution, Marie will now be awarded an additional 20 karma points.
Thanks Marie!
Monday, January 24, 2011
DYK 94: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Winners of the 2010 RAF Awards
1. Member of the Year
2. Staff Member of the Year
3. Avatar of the Year
4. Signature of the Year
5. Favourite Thread
Quotable Quotes
6. Ani-Master of the Year
7. Thread of the Year
Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
8. Best Newcomer to RAF
9. Best Comeback
10. Most Missed RAFian
Faerie Larka
11. Best RAFcouple
12. Coolest Member of the Year
13. Funniest Member of the Year
14. Most Insane Member
15. Most Contributing RAFian
16. Best theme (bandwagon, name trend, etc.)
Kit name trend
17. Best RAFproject
One RAFian, One Volume of Animorphs
18. Best/Funniest RAFian Photo
My First Snow Experience
19. RAFian Artist of the Year
20. Best Role Play Writer/Character
Myitt for Myitt in GESB
21. RAFian Writer of the Year
22. Fan Fiction of the Year
An Error Has Occurred! by Horsefan1023
23. Mystery Member of the year
Congratulations to all the winners! Discuss here!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Top 10 Posters of 2010
2. Aluminator
3. Darth Vader
4. Ghost of the Old Year
5. Darth Revan
6. Phoenix004
7. KitsuneMarie
8. KitStalker
9. The Weeping Gaz
10. Myitt
Congratulations to all our 10 most active RAFians in 2010. For your contribution you will each receive 10 additional karma points from me.
DYK 93: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
RAF Awards Voting
Why are you still reading this? GET VOTING PEOPLE!!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
2010 according to Google Analytics

So 2010 has come an gone, so in keeping with tradition, I have saved and uploaded statistics for RAF provided by Google Analytics.
Click here to see 2010
Click here to see December 2010
Monday, January 3, 2011
DYK 92: Did You Know?
Now you do.