Thursday, December 31, 2009
Congrats to the Gods!
Congratulations to the following members who crossed the 5000 post mark in 2009:
1. Gaz
2. estrid
3. Estelore
5. Russell
6. Goom
7. Phoenix
8. Faerie Larka
9. TobSie
10. Liz
11. Anna
12. DinosaurNothlit
Thanks to all our doners in 2009
The top 10 donors of 2009 are as follows:
1. Jess
2. Adam
3. Russell
4. Wildweathel
5. Ash
6. Nine out of ten vissers
7. AniDragon
8. Spartan 281
9. Marie
10. Myitt
So here's to the donators of 2009, I hope you continue to support RAF, nit only through monetary donations, but through activity on the forum.
*some donors did not want their donation(s) published

Monday, December 28, 2009
DYK 39: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thanks to Truth for his donation!
To donate, visit RAF Donate.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Animorphs Audiobook - Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 1
Here is the first installment of Megamorphs... in audiobook (mp3) format.
Download here.
Monday, December 21, 2009
DYK 38: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Will Animorphs re-released? Yes!

Animorphs co-author, Michael Grant has tweeted saying that Animorphs will be re-released "in about a year".
UPDATE: Here's an update from Michael Grant. He says that the re-release of Animorphs will be edited with "elaborate new covers".

Happy? Sad? Discuss on Richard's Animorphs Forum
DYK 37: Did You Know?
Now you do.

1700 Members - again
Looks like there is no shortage of Animorphs fans. Why? Because Richard's Animorphs Forum has once again crossed the 1700 member mark.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thanks to Marie/kitsunemarie for her donation!
Again, I (and of course on behalf of everyone who cannot donate) wish to thank you for your contribution.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thanks to Shanker for his donation!
If you didn't know already, donating to RAF helps paying the bills.
Anyway, back to Shanker: yes he donated, and now his pennies are in the RAF Fund jar* along with the others. Did you know that donating isn't only cool, but you get stuff for doing so? Indeed, for his contribution, Shanker received +10 Karma, and some brand new stars below his name, along with the fancy title of Donator. In addition, he now gets to show off that he has access to the D-Lounge.
So if you haven't donated before, or just want to show your love for our great Animorphs community, head on over to RAF Donate: and make sure you have a PayPal account.
Thanks Shanker!
*Not a literal jar... there's just a page on PayPal that tells me how much is the in account: that's all :(.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thanks to Myitt for her 2nd donation!
Thanks again Myitt!
Monday, December 7, 2009
DYK 36: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
RAF Awards 2009 - RESULTS!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
RAF Awards 2009 - Announcement
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanks to Spartan 281 for his donation!
Thank you Parker. From all those who use RAF, and her services.
Monday, November 30, 2009
DYK 35: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Want to Know What the D-Lounge is?
Monday, November 23, 2009
This Saturday is the Meet & Greet!
DATE: Saturday the 28th (November)
START TIME: 6:30 pm EST/ 5:30 Central
END TIME: Around 10:30 pm EST/ 9:30 Central. Though it can go longer.
PURPOSE: Encourage new members to come into chat to meet with each other and current members.
WHO'S INVITED: Everyone!!
DYK 34: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Friday, November 20, 2009
9 Million Hits on RAF Forum
To see more stats, visit the RAF Forum Statistics Page.
Monday, November 16, 2009
DYK 33: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Thanks to Genies9 for her donation!
She will now have access to all the perks Donators have, which include an additional +10 karma and access to the D-Lounge.
Thanks again Steph!
Monday, November 9, 2009
DYK 32: Did You Know?

Now you do.

Monday, November 2, 2009
DYK 31: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
...You're Crazier in Person
Meeting in person really brings us together as a community. I consider many of you on the forum to be close friends and I’d love the chance to hang out with all of you. Hopefully some day I’ll get to do a world trip of my own. I guess the message of this post is not to be afraid to get out there.
That being said, be careful guys. I’ve been talking a lot about community and close friends and family…hmm I don’t think I mentioned family. But…I have in the past, so yea…RAF is like a family. BUT it is still a group of random internet people. Treat them as such. Don’t put personal information on the site. If you want to share information do so only with the members you really know and trust. And be sure that you really know and trust them. The three members I have met I knew for almost a year before I’d even admit my name wasn’t Duff McCain (hmm, Duff McCain, got a nice ring to it)
If you do feel you have built up the trust and comfort to actually meet a few RAFians then do so very carefully. Don’t meet anyone one on one, invite a few of your friends or a few different RAFians. Meet in a public place and keep the general plan for the day/night to mostly public things. Don’t just head up to a hotel room (haha oops). Tell a few people where you are going and who you’ll be with. If your parents know about RAF then tell them about the meeting. Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with or meet anyone you aren't comfortable with.
And to the younger RAFians…maybe just not do any meetings for a few years. Its just not responsible. You wait a little while and get to know your RAF friends a little better and when you are old enough to do a proper meeting you’ll have a lot more fun.
So…lets organize some RAFcons! Responsibly, safely, and obviously full of insanity. And don't forget to take pictures, especially when someone is doing something stupid.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Promote RAF
Here is the code in BBC code:
The image that will be displyed is:

Monday, October 26, 2009
DYK 30: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
RAF Chat Issues
This caused the RAF Chat to point to the old host which does not have the updated member database. Because of this all users who tried to log in that registered or changed their password after September 2009 received an error.
This has been resolved and now our proper database is being used to feed the Chat. In other words things should be fine now.
In addition to this fix, I have decided to make the registration process more simple. So if you haven't registered for the RAF Chat has of yet, feel free to do so now.
Happy RAF Chatting.
Monday, October 19, 2009
DYK 29: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
RAFchat Meet & Greet Tonight!
START TIME: 6:30 pm EST/ 5:30 Central
END TIME: Around 10:30 pm EST/ 9:30 Central. Though it can go longer.
PURPOSE: Encourage new members to come into chat to meet with each other and current members.
WHO'S INVITED: Everyone!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
DYK 28: Did You Know?
Now you do.

1500 Members - again
It therefore took us a whopping 5 months to attract 500 members.
The last time RAF reached 1500 members was on February 24, 2008 on RAF Classic (old RAF).
If I haven't personally welcomed our last 500 members-here's to you. Welcome to the Ultimate Animorphs Forum: remember to leave your sanity at the door.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thanks to Nine Out of Ten Vissers for his donation!
He will now enjoy the benefits of GOLD Members; which of course includes the very popular D-Lounge.
Thanks again NOOTV!
Monday, October 5, 2009
DYK 27: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thanks to Duff for his donation!
He will now enjoy the benifits given to donators.
Monday, September 28, 2009
New SMF Mod - notify mod
Users may now effectively 'bump' old topics simply by editing their last post. Double posting is no longer required to revive it.
Users will also receive their usual email for subscribed threads in such an instance.
RAF Store
Now, if you wish to have a different design, let me know, and I can try and make it so, so you can buy just the exact one you want (or the closest you can get). PM me, or post a suggestion here.
DYK 26: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
2009 RAFawards!
As the end of 2009 is drawing near, I figured now was a great time to start up the awards again. Maybe this year we can be a little more planned and organized eh?
Click the title of the of this blog to suggest new awards and help me get the ball rolling!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Member Position.
If you wish to change your rank to "Elite" once you have reached 5000 posts, please contact any one of our staff members via PM (such as Richard).
Member Ranks:
- Lurker | 0-9 Posts
- Newbie | 1-9 Posts
- Jr. Member | 10-49 Posts
- Full Member | 50-249 Posts
3 Stars - Same as Jr. Member. + Allowed 100 personal messages.
- Sr. Member | 250-499 Posts
- Hero Member | 500-999 Posts
- Jr. Xtreme Member | 1000-1999 Posts
- Xtreme Member | 2000-4999 Posts
- God | 5000+ Posts (black color)
8 Stars - Same as Xtreme Member + 500 personal messages + Can move & lock own posts.
- Elite | 5000+ Posts (black color) -Alternate to God-
8 Stars - Same as God Member
- Donators (position lasts for 1 year)
9 Stars - Same as Gods + 1000 personal messages + 10 Karma Points + access to D-Lounge
- Gold Member ($50+ in donations - gold color - lasts forever)
10 Stars - Same as Donators + unlimited personal messages + 50 Karma Points
RAF: The Animated Series
This original series is based on RAF and its members, it revolves around what the forum would be like if it was a virtual world.
It's very funny and cool, other members are even getting involved with it! So check it out by clicking the title of this blog.
Monday, September 21, 2009
DYK 25: Did You Know?
Now you do.

The Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide
Here's the premise:
Hopefully about once a week (though I can't promise anything with the way my work schedule is) I'll post a detailed look at an Animorphs book with a healthy dose of analysis and an extremly unhealthy dose of bad jokes.
Source - Richard's Animorphs Forum
Watch the video below, and comment either on the video, or on RAF (here).
Monday, September 14, 2009
DYK 24: Did You Know?
Now you do.

RAF is #3 on bing!

Apparently Google has forsaken us; our new favourite search engine is none other than Microsoft's bing.
When searching for "animorphs", RAF is the third entry; only behind the official Animorphs website, and Wikipedia's Animorphs entry. Not to shabby.
Friday, September 11, 2009
September RAF Party is tomorrow!
That's in the next 5 hours.
Be there!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
ATTN: Audiobook Actors
Also, if you aren't involved in the Audiobooks, but would like to be, and you are willing to commit, please visit this Sub-Forum of the RAFprojects board.
P.S. If you have lost or misplaced your copy of Megamorphs #1, you can download it from the eBooks here.
Monday, September 7, 2009
DYK 23: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Monday, August 31, 2009
DYK 22: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
RAFchat Meet and Greet on now!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
DYK 21: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Are you a New Member?
I have composed a short list of helpful things that you may want to look at and/or use and/or do, so here we go!
1. Introductions and Departures Sub-Forum
This is probably the first place you should go if you have recently joined, or just want the other forum members to get to know you better! You make your own thread, talking about yourself and who you are! This is really the only way to make sure that all the members have a chance to get to know you. This is a "Sub-Forum" of the "RAF Social" board.
2. Member Profiles Sub-Forum
After you have created your Introduction, you may want to create a 'Member Profile' for yourself. This is your own topic where you can basically make blog posts, post pictures for the forum, answer questions asked by other RAFians in your thread, and more! This is also a "Sub-Forum" of the "RAF Social" board. NOTE: A good example is Richard's Member Profile.
3. Attend a RAF Chat Meet & Greet
This is a great idea for any member, new or old! A RAF Chat Meet & Greet is basically what i see as sort of "Dinner Party" at which the members of RAF can mingle and talk with other RAFians and get to know everyone better. Held in the RAF Chat, it allows New members to meet Veteran members and vice versa. Also, Richard has shown up on occasion so you can get to know the Creator of RAF a little better.
4. Read the rest of the Animorphs Series
If you haven't finished the series (missing books, pages, etc.), then I would STRONGLY recommend that you DON'T enter the Animorphs Discussions yet. You may ruin the ending for yourself and that isn't fun at all. But have no fear, for the eBooks are here! RAF, the original uploaders of the eBooks, has them available for download here. Best part: they are FREE!! Every Animorphs book (also has the Vegemorph book, a parody) is available for download either as PDF or in a ZIP file.
5. Get involved in a RAF Project
There is no easier way to feel included, than to become involved. RAF has many projects on the go, from recording the Audiobooks, fixing the eBook errors, creating Smilies/Emoticons, creating the Animorphs Graphic Novel, and many more. Go here to see the RAF Projects board and get involved in one!
While we do allow lurkers (and have created a member class for such people), we much prefer posters. There are may topics on RAF spanning a very wide range of subjects, so it's very easy to find something to suit your fancy.
Well I do hope this little guide (that isn't finished I bet, and i'll probably come out with a 2nd Edition in the near future) has helped you figure out what to do next, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to PM me, and ask me!
- Adam
Saturday, August 22, 2009
One More for the Road
...but two timezones west of me, it's only 11:42, so I am redeemed. ;)
This Sunday evening I'll be taking my computer up to my dorm, where it will stay the better part of the year.
There's no telling what speed my internet will run there.
That being said, anybody interested in reading banned and censored books needs to check out this website:
Banned Books Week isn't too far away, and I've found myself reading more and more Bradbury as it approaches (and if you get the reference to him in the title of this post, you win a free hypothetical cookie!!), and I've found a few teen books like "The Libyrinth" by Pearl North that address the subject of bookburning in new and intensely interesting ways.
I wonder how many books you all read have been banned somewhere.
Have you ever enjoyed Harry Potter, The Giver, or Where is Waldo?
Have you sat down with your older relatives to hear about Red Riding Hood?
Maybe Judy Blume, Jane Yolen, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Bruce Coville delighted you as a tyke... but I bet you have no IDEA how much of their art has been removed from libraries for reasons that most free-thinking people would regard as perfectly ridiculous.
To Kill a Mockingbird... required reading at my high school: banned.
Fahrenheit 451... suggested reading at my high school, and addressing bookburning: banned.
It's really a sick irony, but books that defend books are most frequently the books removed from public libraries and recommended reading lists.
Oh, and if you've ever enjoyed Orson Scott Card, Isaac Asimov, Eoin Colfer, Herbie Brennan, J.K. Rowling,
or K.A. Applegate...
...then you are automatically a reader of banned books. Those four authors hold rather an interesting distinction in that somewhere on Earth, every last one of their books written under those names (non-pseudonymous) has been banned.
Sometimes people take it so far that they ignore the genre, plot, and quality of a book, and they want it gone simply because of the name printed on the front.
Why, you may as, is Estelore suddenly championing banned books?
Well, two reasons:
1. I spent these past two summers doing volunteer work at the local library. It's impossible for me not to love those books and the knowledge in them.
2. There is enough stupid in the world. Rather, there is far too MUCH stupid in the world, and by removing books, we are removing chances to lose some of that stupid.
Little Scout Finch in Harper Lee's much-contested classic said it about right:
"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."
I don't know about you, but I love breathing. I love reading. Heaven help the fool that tries to take that away from me or the people who feel the same as me about this.
Well, it's late. I wish you all a lovely weekend, sweet dreams, and a superabundance of quality reading materials.
Read on.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thanks to Ash & Nina for their donations!
Ash is now a Gold Member, and is just shy of #5 on the Donator leader board.
Monday, August 17, 2009
DYK 20: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Friday, August 14, 2009
So Begins the End of the Beginning.
Thursday next I move into what will be my residence for the duration of the coming year, and Monday after begins my semester.
Also, today my router died twice, and tomorrow I'm away with family for a few days, so my communication before I leave is likely to be not-much-at-all. I should have web at the dormitory, but I make no promises.
So, in the event that I am kept from you overlong:
I love you all. You are wonderful to me, and I cannot thank you enough for it.
Blessings and much fondness to you all,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Meet & Greet 2
Monday, August 10, 2009
DYK 19: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thanks to AniDragon for her donation!
She will now enjoy the benefits GOLD MEMBERS enjoy, which now includes access to the Donator Lounge.
Thanks again AniDragon.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
RAF Shortcuts
Because I am lazy, I've created these shortcuts for me (and you) to easily access certain pages on Richard's Animorphs Forum.
- Takes you to the Animorphs Board
- Takes you to the Audiobooks Board
- Takes you to RAF Classic
- Digg RAF
- Takes you to the Everworld Board
- Takes you to the Facebook Page
- Takes you to the Gone Board
- Takes you to the login page
- Takes you to the member list
- Takes you to the RAF Party main thread
- Takes you to the password reminder feature
- Register with the forum
- Takes you to the Remnants Board
- Takes you to the Rules thread
- Takes you to RAF Social
- Takes you to the Staff list
- Takes you to the Support Board
- Takes you to Richard's twitter page
- Takes you Mobile RAF
Friday, August 7, 2009
RAFrecommended Reading Lists
That means that after this post and maybe another one next week, it is very probable that I won't be keeping up with my weekly article segments.
All that being said, I've decided that this penultimate (and possibly last) Friday blog post will be about books, since that's what brought me to RAF in the first place.
Specifically, it will be about the books on my nightstand and overhead shelf. I think of them as my Required Reading, since they've spent the whole summer within arm's reach of my bed.
To you, they are my Recommended Reading. There is not a book on this list that I haven't loved in some way. Some of them aren't for everybody, but here they are, just the same:
Ray Bradbury - R is for Rocket ; S is for Space ; The Martian Chronicles ; Fahrenheit 451
Isaac Asimov - The Martian Way ; Nightfall and Other Stories
Jeffrey Deaver - Twisted
Margo Lanagan - Black Juice ; Red Spikes ; White Time
Voltaire - Candide and The Maid of Orleans (one volume)
Herbie Brennan - Faerie Wars (whole series)
Scott Westerfeld - Peeps ; The Last Days
Marcus Zusak - I am the Messenger
Cornelia Funke - The Thief Lord
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Jasper Fforde - Thursday Next
Alyson Noel - Evermore ; Blue Moon (it's not vampires, so don't write it off as a Twilight-mimic, even if the plot is a little hard to believe)
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game/Shadow ; Xenocide/Speaker for the Dead ; Ender in Exile ; Shadow of the Giant ; First Meetings in Ender's Universe
Lois Lowry - The Giver ; Gathering Blue ; Messenger
Natalie Babbitt - Tuck Everlasting
Jane Langton - Fledgling
Mitch Albom - Tuesdays with Morrie
Katherine Paterson - Bridge to Terabithia
Rodman Philbrick - Freak the Mighty
Conrad Richter - A Light in the Forest
Caleb Carr - The Italian Secretary
Caroline B. Cooney - Code Orange
John Barnes - Orbital Resonance
Well, I've made this post too long as it is. Like I said, these books individually aren't for everybody, but trust me: there IS something here, at least one book, for every member of RAF to enjoy.
G'day, my dearlings!
Monday, August 3, 2009
DYK 18: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Year 1 With Google Analytics
Here's the breakdown:

Click to download PDF
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Are you an Audiobook actor?
If you have any questions regarding the Audiobooks, please talk to Jess, or any of the other project leaders: Mr. Guy 36, Morfowt, and WildWeathel.
I look forward to hearing you all very soon.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sakki Deleted Upon Request
Animorphs 2.0? - RUMOR
Some new info on a rumor we posted a few months back, our source (who still wishes to remain unnamed) says that Scholastic seems to be on board with making an Animorphs 2.0 happen. They supposedly had a recent discussion on how to handle the continuity from 1.0, which is the series we left off at.
Please note that we, at Hirac Delest, don’t post every rumor (or any rumor, for that matter) that is given to us (and there are a LOT), unless we feel that the source is legitimate in some way. Saying that, we’re not posting this as an official announcement either, as no official news has been released by Scholastic to confirm this. More updates from our source on this matter will be posted on Hirac Delest as they come.
Of course none of this has been independently verified.
Source - Hirac Delest
Short and Early this week: RAFmusic exchange
I feel like paying it forward, so to speak, by making a shortlist of bands that, pre-RAF, I'd not even heard-of. Feel free to do the same in comments, if you like.
Lordi - Awesomesauce on cheese fries in the back of a humvee on the moon. Metal.
Basshunter - this music is HAPPY distilled into longitudinal compressions and rarefactions of air.
Nightwish - I do not have the words for how awesome they are. Symphonic metal.
Ayreon - Coolidge. End of story.
Infected Mushroom - I'm still getting used to the idea... :D
Dredg - twenty-seven kinds of epic, whether it's the album or the live-acoustic version.
Freedom Call - where Triumph and Happy meet and spend the rest of their lives riding off into the sunset. Power metal.
I know many of these may not be to your individual taste, but please don't write off one band just because you disliked another band on this list, because none of these really even fall into the same genres as the others.
Have a happy weekend, dearlings! I'll see you about. :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
DYK 17: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Know the Secret - Animorphs Game - Full Download

I just realized that the Animorphs Game - Know the Secret that is on RAF Downloads, never got the full direct download treatment in all its 500mb glory.
Here it is - Download Here.
Feel free to visit Hirac Delest.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Just a heads-up to anybody who actually reads me. ;)
At the very least, I'll keep it up to the end of July, as long as my internet stays functional. :)
*hugs* to all of you lovely RAFians. I hope what's left of the year is seriously great for you.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Fountain

Digressing from RAF stuff. I just finished watching The Fountain (2006) for the 5th or so time. This time I watched it on HiDef 720p.
For those who like a good visual movie a si-fi movie, a good thought provoking movie, and a love story all bundled into one. I recommend The Fountain.
Here are some more images of the movie below.

Monday, July 20, 2009
DYK 16: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
RAF Audiobook Project needs you!
The site is pretty much ready for work, but we're missing one piece of the puzzle: everyone who doesn't act!
What we need are:
Timers - These are the people who cut together the multiple parts into one single audio stream.
Directors - You direct. More? Fine. These people will be reviewing the actor's work before sending it to the timers.
Managers - Responsible for directing the "flow of traffic" of various tasks to various roles. I can do some of this to start, but eventually we will need others.
I don't think I missed any jobs, but I might add something if I forget it.
If you can do any of these, post with what job you want, and (if you aren't signed up yet) your username for the site. Weathel will get people signed up when he has the chance, but we can start assigning jobs right away.
Thanks for any help you guys can give.
Thanks to Russell for his sixth donation!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Twitter in your Profile

Remember, you can also put in information for others such as:
- Skype
If you are new to Twitter, here are a few usernames you can follow to get you started.
richardonraf - Richard obviously. He usually uses his tweets to tell us about the forum (problems, etc.)
xeroxedfool - Russell AKA Esplin 9466.
cprailfreak - This is me!
Remember, getting started on Twitter is very easy. But if you have any problems, that thread mentioned above would be the place to ask your questions! So lets get your tweets a-tweetn'!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
AlothAssassin Banned

Just letting you all know, the member AlothAssassin has been banned from RAF.
AlothAssassin has been banned for constantly disregarding RAF's rules and its staff members, and repetitively making new accounts to bypass bans.
Make sure to follow the rules.
Harry Potter VI
Well, I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight with some people, and I'll preface the article by saying that I've only read the third book. Books tend to be better than their movies, so I decided at the beginning of it all to refrain from reading the series until after the movie cycle is complete. This way, I'll be able to appreciate fully the movies as they are, without interference of my opinion of the plot.
For this week's article, I'm going to offer a question for you: If you had never read the books, how do you think you would have received the movies?
Please answer in comments, avoiding spoilers if at all possible. (Yes, I know who dies and who doesn't die in the 6th book. There's no avoiding that knowledge. *chuckle* Just please no intimate gory details, okey?)
All my love to you, dearlings. Have a brilliant weekend!
Thanks to Jess for her 2nd donation!
This time it's Jess (now Kit Cloudkicker) who has given us the single biggest donation yet, who has donated once more.
She will get an additional 50 Karma points.
Thanks Jess!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thanks to Adam for his 6th donation!
Thanks Adam!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thanks to Kelly for her 5th donation!
Thanks Kelly!
DYK 15: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thanks to Claire for her donation!

Thanks to long-time member, and Sr. Staff member Claire for her donation. We know how hard earned it is, and on behalf of everyone on RAF: thank you for contributing!
She will receive an additional 10 karma points and all the other perks donators receive.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Donators & Gold Members
Essentially those who donate:
-less than $50 will fall into the "Donators" category. This position will last for a year.
-more than $49 will fall into the "Gold Member" category. This position lasts forever.
Both groups will also have access to a special board on RAF.
- Donators (position lasts for 1 year)
9 Stars - Same as Gods + 1000 personal messages + 10 Karma Points + access to D-Lounge
- Gold Member ($50+ in donations - gold color - lasts forever)
10 Stars - Same as Donators + unlimited personal messages + 50 Karma Points
-Member groups / Member positions in detail
Friday, July 10, 2009
REMINDER - RAF Party Tomorrow!
Come out tomorrow July 11 and party like it's 1999.
Oh, how nice!
If this is a trend as much as the streak of absences and departures was, then RAF may start seeing more and more old and fairly familiar faces on a regular basis.
Oh, and on another, slightly less pleasant note, a few RAFians who email me regularly are having computer issues (not because of me, ha ha very funny), so if you see somebody pretty much drop off the map, that may be why.
Have a great weekend, everybody! ^_^
Monday, July 6, 2009
DYK 14: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, July 4, 2009
View all your topics - new feature!

SMF doesn't have this option by default, but thanks to Goom, we now have that option. If you want to find all the topics a member created, just visit their profile and click on "Show Topics".
To see yours, click here.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thanks to Aliciania for her donation!
She will now enjoy the benefits that donators do.
Independence Day approaches!
I'm curious if anybody remembers the worldwide panic and hype that resulted back when the Will Smith movie "Independence Day" went to theatres. A bunch of people thought that the advertisements were public-service-announcements, and they freaked out severely.
The same thing happened again when "The Day After Tomorrow" (by the same director, just so y'know) came out and everybody saw the Statue of Liberty get taken out by an uber-tsunami.
Now there's this "2012" movie coming out... again, the same director... I'm curious whether or not the same thing is going to happen yet again.
Anyway, I just hope you all are ready with your fighter planes, crazy drunk crop dusters, cigars, and malfunctioning missiles. :)
In the immortal words of Jeff Goldbloom, "Must go faster MUST GO FASTER!!!"
Have a great weekend, folks. To those of you celebrating this American holiday, I hope you stay safe and alien-free. To the rest of you, I hope you find our pyrotechnic antics amusing, at least. ;)
G'day, dearlings!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thanks to Terenia for her donation!
Thanks again!
Monday, June 29, 2009
DYK 13: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thanks to Cerulean for his second donation!
As usual, he will enjoy an additional +50 karma. It's just a small token of appreciation.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I know it's already been said,,3345.msg221063/topicseen.html#new
Anna is right.
I know, this en't the most fawesome blog post in the history of RAF, but... I think maybe we need to have it on a nice, easy-to-access record the fact that there has been a problem.
This is the sorta' problem that doesn't really get fixed without collective co-operation.
All there is to say has been said.
Have a great weekend, dearlings.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
RAF Spam Police Thread Locked
super_sonic receives temporary ban
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
DYK 12: Did You Know?
Now you do.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Goom
Friday, June 19, 2009
War! *huh yeah* What is it good for?
Folks, if you aren't gonna' start an all-out RAFcivil war over something, then why argue and insult and tick off other people about it? Ice it down. We all love RAF, neh? Let's not start taking sides...
...'cause if we do, I'm gonna' take the winning side, and the losing side is gonna' feel purty foolish and self-righteous about it all, just sayin'. ;)
If you don't know what I'm talking-about, then there's no problem at all, and this isn't even necessary.
I love all you folks; I have zero animosity towards any of you. What I DISLIKE is DISCORD. If everybody is willing to just swallow his/her misplaced pride, kindly shut up, and take a nice healthy chill pill, then there won't BE any problem or discord.
Fair enough, I hope?
Have a great weekend, guys. If I'm not on the forum much, it's probably because my router is being a stinker. :P
Monday, June 15, 2009
DYK 11: Did You Know?
Now you do.