Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Thanks to Kit Epoch Pie for his donation!
Only a member since April of this year, Epoch has already been generous enough to donate to our beloved forum. In return he receives the rank of Donator, access to the D-Lounge and an additional 10 Karma points. Thanks Epoch!
raf donate
Monday, July 26, 2010
Goodbye 71 Members
If our member count looks weird, ie, a little low, that is because I just did some house cleaning.
Members who never activated their account had their accounts removed. These accounts dated back to October 2009. Total members deleted were 71.
Members who never activated their account had their accounts removed. These accounts dated back to October 2009. Total members deleted were 71.
raf issues
DYK 69: Did You Know?
That the oldest attachment still viewable on RAF Forum was uploaded on July 26 2008, exactly two years ago?
Now you do.
Richard's Animorphs Forum - The Ultimate Animorphs Forum
Now you do.

raf randomness
Thanks to 11:11 for her donation!
She's been a RAFian for less than two months, but she's already been generous enough to donate to us. As always, she receives the rank of Donator, access to the D-Lounge and 10 Karma points. Thanks Sara!
raf donate
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thanks to Intrepid for her donation!
Being one of our most ancient of RAF Elders, Intrepid is one of the few members who can claim to have been a RAFian even longer than myself (by a whole 2 days I believe). Though some of our newer members may know little of her awesomeness, she is a valuable part of RAFhistory and we are privileged to still have her around. Why not follow her shining example and donate to RAF yourself? Every little helps! :)
Thanks again Intrepid!
Thanks again Intrepid!
raf donate
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thanks to Lignum for his donation!
New-comer, and by that I mean; he hasn't even posted yet, lignum has donated. He will now enjoy all the benefits of Gods, plus the ability to store 1,000 personal messages. He has also been awarded 10 karma and now has access to the D-Lounge.
You too can donate by visiting RAF Donate.
Thanks lignum! I hope you enjoy it here on The Ultimate Animorphs Forum!
raf donate
Monday, July 19, 2010
Best Day EVER on RAF eBooks
Yesterday I tweeted that our Animorphs (Everworld, and Remnants) eBooks section of Richard's Animorphs Forum, aptly titled RAF eBooks was witnessing a surge of users coming from the popular website (link to the reddit link). That surge resulted in 75 users being recorded as online on our Forum. This number is a new record; two weeks to the day that 74 members broke the previous record of most users online.
That is only one part of the story. What members were actually flocking were our eBooks pages. Here are the numbers for RAF eBooks yesterday provided by StatCounter:
That is only one part of the story. What members were actually flocking were our eBooks pages. Here are the numbers for RAF eBooks yesterday provided by StatCounter:
1. Pageloads: 11,188
2. Unique Visitors: 4,101
3. First Time Visitors: 3,590
4. Returning Visitors: 511
See those statistics in bold? Those are all-time records.
To put things into perspective:
raf statistics
DYK 68: Did You Know?
That the current RAF Logo was introduced five (5) years ago?
Now you do.
Richard's Animorphs Forum - The Ultimate Animorphs Forum
Now you do.

raf randomness
Monday, July 12, 2010
DYK 67: Did You Know?
That as of June 2010, there were 30 Gods (members who have posted 5,000 times or more) on our Animorphs community?
Now you do.
Richard's Animorphs Forum - The Ultimate Animorphs Forum
Now you do.

raf randomness
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Share your Animorphs love!
Yesterday, I received an email from the authors of Animorphs, Remnants, and Everworld (just to name a few) updating me, and subsequently the entire forum on the Animorphs re-release and future in the eyes of the publisher: Scholastic. They also want our help!
Here is part of the email:
Here is part of the email:
Katherine and I have some information we'd like to share, and a favor we'd like to ask.
Not sure if you've heard this yet but ANIMORPHS will be re-issued in spring/summer 2011. That is definite and official.
An editor at Scholastic is combing the first two books for outdated references, sending suggested fixes, and asking us to approve. Which we've now done.
Scholastic will re-cover the books using something called a lenticular cover. So far as we know it's just the first 2 books, then I guess they'll wait and see how sales go before issuing more.
Scholastic has asked us to prepare a small video to show at the sales meeting in early August. We realized that the sales people probably don't really know what ANIMORPHS has meant to so many people. So we wondered whether RAF participants might be interested in sending us some brief video clips just saying what ANIMORPHS has meant to them. ...
animorphs news,
animorphs related,
michael grant
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Thanks to LazyStalkerKitsune for her donation!
A beloved member for not far off two years, this is Jamie's first donation to RAF. Follow her example and keep RAF alive and kicking for years to come!
Thanks again Jamie! :)
Thanks again Jamie! :)
raf donate
Monday, July 5, 2010
DYK 66: Did You Know?
That in 2009, 66% of all the people that visited RAF reside in the United States?
Now you do.
Richard's Animorphs Forum - The Ultimate Animorphs Forum
Now you do.

raf randomness
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