Thanks to members of RAF, all REMNANTS books written by K.A. Applegate are available in PDF and ZIP formats.
These books may have errors. If found, please visit this forum.
Because we love Animorphs.
Thanks to members of RAF, all REMNANTS books written by K.A. Applegate are available in PDF and ZIP formats.
These books may have errors. If found, please visit this forum.
If you're ever annoyed with the amount of images in member's signatures, don't sweat it; just disable them. Simply tick the "Don't show users' signatures".
Pages will now load much faster, so if you're on dial-up this is tip should be great for you.
After a bit of deliberation, I've decided to put back the R in RAF. No matter how I try to escape people calling our Animorphs community Richard's Animorphs Forum, it keeps haunting me.
So I've come to the conclusion that RAF is inextricably linked with my name. So I have regressed on my October 2007 decision to rename us The Animorphs Forum.
It's Richard's Animorphs Forum... or RAF for short.
I honestly intended to purchase richardsanimorphs.com & richardsanimorphsforum.com on my birthday; January 1, but I already went ahead and did so, right in time for the name change. I don't want people to get confused, so I won't publicize the new domains; their only purpose is to secure the names.
All pages have been renamed Richard's Animorphs Forum.
Hello my fellow RAFians!
I hope your winter break is going well. As some of you already know, I'm Touquie. I've been an active member on RAF for just over a year now and I intend on staying for as long as possible.
I'll be bringing you some RAFlicious news now and then to keep you informed on what's happening. If you have any suggestions, or just want to contact me you can shoot me an e-mail at Touquie.RAF@gmail.com
Move only took 10 minutes.
The connection problems should be reduced now.
CEO of XeSolutions Sean Frank indicated that the reason for RAF being down was nothing more than miscommunication. The name servers, or computers that point you to the respective host that RAF is on, apparently expired. The members of staff at the company were not informed, which led to the extended day downtime, which lasted from Thursday December 18 to Sunday December 21.
So in light of this situation I have vowed to prevent this type of downtime from occurring again; if downtime does occur (which is unavoidable), it happens smoothly. I don't want to bore you with server and domain talk, but let's just say that steps are being taken to prevent a complete loss of RAF for such a long period. Chief among the improvements is the acquiring of another host (bringing our total hosts to 3), this more expensive and expansive host will provide us with redundancy. If our main host (who admittedly was performed well prior to this month) XEhost dies on us again, there will be a full usable backup available for me to use, and point you guys to.
Talking about backups, prior to this event I only backed up the forum's database on my hard-drive; now I will begin backing up the entire website (over 4 gigabytes of data) on external devices each week. This copy of RAF will be uploaded to our newly acquired secondary host.
Let's just hope we don't run into more problems. But if we do, we should be better prepared this time around.
Congratulations to Estelore, she is now on the authoring team here on the blog. Keep a lookout for her blog posts.
Estelore is the brains behind the RAFipedia, the RAF Wiki.
Xtreme Members to Gods (and of course Donators), this is your chance to rise to the occasion.
This is your opportunity to write about RAF, on the RAF Blog. Always wanted your little column? This is your chance.
Just send me a PM, and I'll set up your account.
He now joins the very elite club, where only he and Leigh have managed to achieve 10,000 posts.
Also, congratulations to two of our members, who are celebrating their birthdays today: Ken & WildAtHeart.
Learn more about the RAF Party-->
Also: I still haven't gotten a response re the forum slowdown & constant connection problems, but I'll keep you posted. As of 1:20am Saturday, I was told that the connection problem had been resolved.
Unfortunately. But the RAF Chat is still open.
Update 1: The website is back up, but unfortunately the SQL server is down. This means access to the forum is still impossible.
Update 2: RAF Forum is back online.
That's right. From about 4:30pm EST, 'till 7:30pm EST RAF in its entirety went offline. This was caused by "temporary routing issues", and according to XEHost's support manager "it happens randomly occasionally and is unpreventable". Yet I have never had the entire website shut down.
So, being the person I am, redundancy is key. Now that I know of this issue which can affect anything under our domain animorphsforum.com (which is what happened today), I am asking everyone to bookmark, or simply remember rafforum.com our quick domain to the RAF Forum.
If this were ever to happen again, just try to access us via rafforum.com, and most likely it will redirect you to the RAF Chat.
what was Richard thinking when he created this board
November has gone, so here I give you RAF's November 2008 stats provided by Google Analytics.