Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Looking Back Stats... '07

Well, first off let me say thanks to all RAFers for their continued participation with us. You guys have made RAF the most popular, most active Animorphs forum on the internet, and I thank you.
So, me being a statistic buff, I'm going to go over every statistic I can find in relation to RAF.

Offical StatCounter stats show that this year RAF was viewed 399,379 times, by 38,300 people.

The most popular month of the year was December where RAF was viewed 89,889 times in that month.

There were 259 members registered on RAF on December 31 2006/January 1 2007. 365 or so days later there are 1,111 members. This undoubtetly due to the e-books.

December's top 5 keywords were:

1. "animorphs"
2. "animorphs ebooks"
3. "read animorphs online"
4. "animorphs ebook"
5. "animorphs books"

20,000 posts were made last year. I don't have official numbers on this, but who was the top poster of the year? Well, let's put it like this, Leigh has 10859. lol.

Not bad for a forum that's all about Animorphs...a series that has been dead for, uhm, 6 years. 7, when RAF turns 5 years old.

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