Thursday, January 31, 2008
Is Tyler Still On Strike?
He seems to be posting now, so I wonder if he's still disgruntled...
2 More Years

Hopefully I was not jumping the gun when I ordered 2 more years of the domain. The domain is the first of 2 paid domains which I currently own/rent in relation to RAF.
This main domain, as you can see from the whois record, was created on a special day (April 14), 2006, two years ago. It was set to expire this year, but I thought hey, what the heck? I think we'll still be talking about Animorphs for two more years.
I am also contemplating upgrading our host for that domain (which paves the way for moving from Conforums, if needs be). Hosting expires in 30 days (not to be confused with Conforums' hosting of the actual forum, and the forum only), so we'll see.
The other domain, was purchased late last year after I changed the name of the forum to RAF: The Animorphs Forum, is currently active, and will be extended in time.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
1300 Members
As posting time, Sam has not posted, so we'll like to welcome him to The Animorphs Forum.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
"Keep Your Fingers Crossed" for Animorphs Movie
There is a reasonably serious move under way to do a big budget Animorphs movie. By that we mean that a producer has contacted us and let us know that he would be pitching the idea to the studios -- as soon as the WGA strike is over. The producers are serious guys. The studios they are going after are people who could actually pull it off. But right now it's still probably a 20 to 1 shot. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll say this: the producer is a serious Anifan.
-K.A. Applegate, Yesterday January 19 at 11:37pm
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Author of Animorphs Answers Questions

Since K. A. Applegate registered on RAF a few days ago, Adam decided to create a thread in our Animorphs Discussion board which directly asks Ms. Applegate questions. To my surprise, the author of Animorphs decided she'll spend some time with us and answer quite a number of questions.
Ever wondered where the names of the Animorphs came from?
As far as either of us can recall it was the usual process of going through a baby name book and going, "how about Dirk . . . how about Jason . . . Okay, let's try something in the M's . . ."
How about our E-Book Project?
We're not sure how to feel about that. We've never had a problem with fanfic like some writers do. Rather the contrary. It's flattering and fun and good practice for aspiring writers.
But there is of course a legal problem with distributing copyrighted materials in this way. We obviously aren't going to be suing or threatening or any of that. In fact, we think on balance it's probably a good thing.
But you should understand that Scholastic also has rights here, and they may take a more aggressive position. And you need to understand that we can't "tell" Scholastic to let it go: they have their own ownership rights, and they've invested a lot of money in Animorphs. So we couldn't give you permission if we wanted to, we don't have the legal right to do so.
Read & post questions here!
Monday, January 14, 2008
1200 Members
It took 15 days for RAF to gain another 100 members. Our 1200th member is molecrabs, who registered today 01/14/08 at 16:56:57 EST.
Welcome to RAF.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
K.A. Joins RAF
This comes hours after she posted on Claire's video, and it was confirmed to be her.
Well, no doubt it's an honor to have the author of the series join RAF, we hope to hear from her.
K. A. Applegate on YouTube?

Could this be Queen Applegate for real?
The comment that was posted:
"Hi, Claire: Thanks for keeping the flame alive. K.A. Applegate"
Edit: Confirmed as K.A Applegate.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
School's Back
I can only hope it's not as semi-stressful as last semester...
Friday, January 4, 2008
RAF's Facebook Group
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
RAF on YouTube
Check it out below.
Discuss Claire's video here.
Looking Back Stats... '07
So, me being a statistic buff, I'm going to go over every statistic I can find in relation to RAF.
Offical StatCounter stats show that this year RAF was viewed 399,379 times, by 38,300 people.
The most popular month of the year was December where RAF was viewed 89,889 times in that month.
There were 259 members registered on RAF on December 31 2006/January 1 2007. 365 or so days later there are 1,111 members. This undoubtetly due to the e-books.
December's top 5 keywords were:
1. "animorphs"
2. "animorphs ebooks"
3. "read animorphs online"
4. "animorphs ebook"
5. "animorphs books"
20,000 posts were made last year. I don't have official numbers on this, but who was the top poster of the year? Well, let's put it like this, Leigh has 10859. lol.
Not bad for a forum that's all about Animorphs...a series that has been dead for, uhm, 6 years. 7, when RAF turns 5 years old.