This is just to say that I know that the mirror links of the Animorphs Episodes on RAF TV have some how expired. Not to fear though, the direct links are still working as those files are hosted directly on RAF Downloads.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How I Keep on Top of Things...
Maintaining RAF (Forum) is, at times a daunting task. But thanks to the new forum software (SMF), email & text notifications are an admins dream come true.
One such notification is when a member registers; effective when trying to prevent duplicate registrations, and when trying to keep banned persons out.

Another handy notification is when someone sends me a personal message, I am also notified via text message. So wherever I am in the world, with or without an Internet connection; I will know I have a message waiting on me.
A great example of this being useful is sometime last week when I was enjoying some TV show, Tyler PMd me regarding some unfolding events in the RAF Chat. Luckily I was home so I promptly banned the offending member, and life went on.
There are varying triggers for the more important text alert, along with Personal Messages, there is that reported post trigger. So whenever someone reports a post, I am immediately prompted.
So what have we learnt today folks? If you want me to respond to an urgent matter, simply send me a PM. And if you are someone who got banned, don't try to re-register, because I check each member who registers.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New God Among Us - SuperClaire
Congratulations to Claire on achieving 5000 posts on RAF (both Classic and Forum)
She will now enjoy the ability to store 500 personal messages, and the abilities to lock and move her own posts.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
RAF Chat is Down
get home, I will look into this further.
Edit: Things seem to be back up.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Difference between Facebook Page & Group
The RAF Facebook Page v The RAF Facebook Group
I noticed two wall questions on the RAF Facebook Page, asking what is the difference between the Group and the Page. Here we go:
1. The Facebook Page is administrated by me (Richard).
2. The Facebook Group is not. Adam created it in January of this year.
3. The Facebook Page allows me to send you updates/ notifications directly unto your Facebook home page.
4. The Facebook Group does not allow that functionality.
5. The Facebook Page is accessable via
6. While the Facebook Group is not :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Animorphsjake Banned
Just to nofify the RAF Public that the member Animorphsjake has been banned for spamming the forum, and 'plotting' to do more.
Monday, August 11, 2008
RAF Chat - Now Open All Week!

The RAF Chat (where members and non-members alike chat about Animorphs in an IM style) will not be closed throughout the week anymore. I've decided to have the chat room remain open 7 days of the week.
To allow you to gauge when there is activity in the chat room, I've placed an online notification at the bottom of all RAF Forum pages.

New Animations from Animorphs Cover Artist
Description from the video:
I am the artist who did the covers for Scholastic Books "Animorphs" series by K. A. Applegate. Here are some of the full morphs stitched together with some nice cloud backgrounds. Enjoy! You can see more of my work at:
In addition to the above, Mattingly made this animation:
This is a short film of me morphing into my cat Henry.
Check out more of my work
Monday, August 4, 2008
RAFipedia - The RAF Wiki
Join the RAF Wiki, RAFipedia or gets details about RAF in this user-editable encyclopedia.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
RAF Downloads
Starting with the Animorphs eBooks, Television Series, and newly added Know the Secret PC Game; RAF Downloads will be your one stop shop for Animorphs related downloads.
I spent most of last night creating the two new pages: RAF Downloads (located at & RAF Games (located at after I noticed persons trying to access our downloads folder, and after Truth from Hirac Delest provided us with the game respectively.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Animorphs: Know the Secret, the PC Game
Thanks to Truth, (of Hirac Delest) the Animorphs PC Game (Know the Secret) has been uploaded for anyone to play. Bear in mind that this game came out in 2000.
Here's a quote from Amazon:
This is an action adventure game based on the characters from the book and TV series. Earth is being taken over by an alien race called the Yeerks, who are using cockroach-like bugs to control human minds. Visser Three, leader of the bad guys, uses a weapon with an ultra-powerful crystal that explodes and shatters reality. Players' task is to lead the Animorphs, a group of animal-morphing teenagers, in their quest to save Earth by piecing reality back together. Game play consists of jumping over obstacles, collecting coins, and morphing into an animal to fight off aliens. Despite nice quality graphics and smooth action, the game can get pretty frustrating. Also, getting past some of the obstacles requires precise timing, which younger children generally can't provide. Testers told us that in spite of their frustration, they want to see what happens as the game unfolds.
How to download - >
Download Links - >