Hi, Adam:So that is why they aren't here. The two topics have been locked and put away in RAF's Attic until they notify me or someone else that they are ready to make their return. But nothing is for sure. They said "maybe." But let's all hope for the best and pray/hope that their trip is safe and they settle very nicely in Italy.Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner. We are just neck-deep in work. We're selling our house, moving to Italy, writing and rewriting,(accepting awards in K's case) dealing with kids, selling cars . . . it's as busy as we have ever been.So maybe down the road. But right now life is crazy.M and K
Friday, March 28, 2008
Katherine and Michael away for awhile...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
E-Books Under Construcation (Again!)
Monday update:
I just finished editing all the pages by hand, hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
RAF Search
Adding to the usability of RAF, I have added (thanks to Google) search capabilities to all primary RAF pages (index/ blog / tv/ ebooks). This search box will be able to search all pages outside the actual forum. To search the forum, use this option.
Update: RAF Search will now be able to search everything on RAF. (Excluding RAF Classic)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
RAF's Front Page
Only recently did I decide to create a front page for RAF. Actually, it was a couple of hours ago. I've always thought about it, but never had any reason to. But lately I realised that our newly created pages (TV / Blog / eBooks) because of how Google works, never appeared on the search giant. If they did, they had very low rankings.
So I decided to knock up a basic front page, linking you all to the forum's Conforums sub-domain, among the other important sections of RAF that are newly created or important. The main link, of course RAF: the actual forum
The aim, to ultimately open Googlebot's eyes as to our website. Hopefully the additional click when one visits animorphsforum.com, won't bother anyone.
Esplin 9466 Dethroned

After I fell ill in late 2007, Esplin 9466 (Russell, our staff member) over took the #1 position on the User's Online Today box. Since then, he has been there... until yesterday, when RYTX took the position for the first time.
How the box works?
Think of it like this: If I log in today, my name will appear, if someone logs in after, their name will show up after mine.
So if your name is first, you've been online every day for a long time. Because if you don't log on in 24 hours, your name disappears.
Since this box was added, only three persons have been #1, myself, Russell, and now RYTX.
Phoenix004 has, for speculative reasons taken the top spot, hours after this post was made...
Congrats to him.
See this thread for more information and chatter.