What a busy weekend it was for me. I, for the first time, scanned and uploaded book 34, and it is officially available for download via the Animorphs Forum e-Book Project. I must thank nihtelek for OCRing (is that a word?) the book for the Project.
Since yesterday, my Ripway web-space that has been hosting the e-books for easy download access, has been overwhelmed, and has been repeatedly shut down for excessive bandwidth usage. The image below displays bandwidth usage for the past 24 hours.

As a result, I have moved the Direct Downloads links to another host which allows for 3gb with of transfers per month versus the 150mb per day with Ripway.
The last 24 hours have been a statistically active one on RAF:See the peak that Sunday experienced.
Tuesday, Oct 30 Update: RAF experienced a huge traffic spur on Monday (when this blog was posted) because of the email I sent to all members. RAF saw 3,658 hits, 366 unique visitors (or different persons), 280 first time visitors & 86 returning visitors. The best one day stats since November 4 2005 where 3,911 hits were recorded on that day, 364 unique visitors came on RAF, 346 first time visitors, and 18 persons returned to the forum.
The graph above has been updated to show Monday's totals.
You can now access RAF via http://theanimorphsforum.com/, but that domain will redirect to http://animorphsforum.com/.
Our 700th member was TobyRocksSoHard, registered today.
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